
REIKI SHARE – Tuesday 7th November 6-8pm

Come and join us for a Reiki share on Tuesday 7th November 6-8pm at Bridges Community Centre (Drybridge House) Gallery room. EVERYONE welcome who practices Reiki – come along and exchange a treatment, share thoughts and your journey to date with your Reiki practice and laugh with like minded souls! Bring along a snack to…

Come and Celebrate 30 years of Monmouth Natural Health Centre

Come for our open day on SATURDAY OCTOBER 14th 2-5pm at Monmouth Natural Health Centre (inside Bridges) for free talks, teas, cake, stalls and live music Celebrate 30 years of Health and Healing in Monmouth with us!

Make your self a beautiful Suncatcher – Workshop in Raglan

Sun Catcher Workshop @ ReTREAT, Raglan – with Anita Bromley Monday 26th June 10am-3pm Make you own wind chime sparkly light catcher and decorate it with beads and baubles of your choice. £25 including gluten-free vegan lunch6 places available      paypal.me/CosmicDruid

Crystal Jewelry Making Workshop in Raglan

Just to let you all know, Anita Bromley (who some of you may know from the Reiki Shares) is holding a Crystal Jewelry Making workshop in Raglan this Month. A great chance to infuse your crystals pieces  with healing Reiki as you make them! Here’s a link:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/healing-crystal-jewelry-workshop-tickets-34391557073?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing

A Very Happy Welsh Spring to you all from my Daughter Rosie

Get your child baking this spring, gluten and dairy free (though this Welsh spring garden does have a little sugar in the icing!) The daffodils are gluten and dairy free sponge, the soil ground flax and chia seeds!  

Pancake Day on the 28th! – make it a high protein one

Make the 28th a high protein pancake day…… love pancakes but hate the blood sugar highs and lows after eating them.. Add in 1 tablespoon of ground chia or flax seeds and a tablespoon of ground almonds to your mixture. Couple this with one third less sugar in the mixture and a good measure of…

HI – New website up and running!

New Website is now up and running, enabling a newsletter and blog….so if the January food resolutions haven’t followed through…..February is a “Sugar Free Month” to support cancer research Here’s the link if you would like to give up the white stuff for a month and raise money for a great cause.  http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/support-us/find-an-event/sugar-free-february?utm_source=Institute+for+Optimum+Nutrition&utm_campaign=2373e4af95-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_01_26&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b28a797427-2373e4af95-229047157 Karen x